Trans-Continental Logistics N.V. (hereinafter “TCL”) processes your personal data because you use or would like to use the services of TCL, and/or because you have provided this data to TCL yourself.
Which data:
TCL gathers data that are necessary to provide you with optimal services, to fulfill a contract and/or to fulfill legal requirements.
We gather and process the following data:
- First name
- Surname
- Telephone number
- E-mailadres
- Job title
- Company name
- Cookies*
- Additional data provided through the contact page of our website(s)
* More info about cookies further down our privacy policy
The data processing is carried out in accordance with the new Europeandata protection law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
You can find further information about this regulation on the website of the data protection commission:
This data is processed as part of the fulfilment of a contractual agreement and to be able to communicate with suppliers, partners and prospects.
We also need this data to answer questions posed to us and to carry out tasks assigned to us. We will also use this information to inform you about services that are relevant to the contract agreed with you.
If no contract has yet been agreed, we will use your data to contact you by telephone and/or in writing (via e-mail and/or post), under the condition that you have agreed to this.
In relation to the contract, TCL does not store your personal data for longer than is necessary and/or not longer than legally prescribed, in order to fulfil the purpose for which your data was gathered.
Since TCL is exclusively operating in a B to B environment, if no contract has been agreed, your personal data will not be stored any longer as legally required (for staff and applicants) or commercially useful (for commercial contacts).
Protective measures
TCL has taken adequate technical and organisational measures to guarantee the secure processing of your personal data. These measures correspond to the type of personal data and to the potential seriousness of the risk and they serve to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted publication and unapproved modifications.
The risk of an unintentional or unauthorised destruction or loss of data, changes or access to the data, as well as any other unapproved processing, is reduced to a minimum.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to rule out all risks fully. If there is unauthorised access to the IT systems of TCL, we will immediately take all possible measures to limit damage and/or theft of data to a minimum. If the rights of third parties have been infringed, the data protection commission and those affected will be informed about the data leak.
TCL only passes on your personal data to third parties (within and outside of the European Union) if it is necessary for fulfilling the contract agreed with you and for complying with laws. You may submit a complaint at any time.
If TCL uses external parties, partners or subcontractors for services, they must also comply with the new regulation. It is agreed in a processing contract that they must take appropriate protection measures AND how these can be checked.
General visitor data is stored on our website, such as the IP address of your computer, the time of access and the data that your browser sends. This data is used for improving the function of the website. We do our best to anonymise this data as far as possible.
Users can refuse to let cookies be installed by configuring their browser accordingly. However, refusing installation of cookies can prevent users from having access to certain services on the website.
If you discover that other cookies are being placed, we kindly ask that you notify us so that we can carry out the necessary measures and changes.
You have the right at any time to view, correct and delete your data, unless there is a legal requirement to store your data. To exert this right, you can send a request to Your request will be processed as quickly as possible, in any case within four weeks.
Even in case you have given us your permission to use your data, you can withdraw this permission at any time.
Contact or complaints
For any questions and/or complaints regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact our data protection officer at:
If you are of the conviction that TCL is not processing your personal data legitimately, that it is infringing laws and regulations in one way or another, then you have the right to submit a complaint to the data protection commission.
Data Protection Authority
Rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Brussels, Belgium +32 (0)2 274 48 00
+32 (0)2 274 48 35